Congratulations! for your achievements in the competitions we hold. The jury has examined it as carefully as possible s…
Congralutation for your achievement in qualifying for the Newtonian International Physics Olympiad Challenge (NIPOC) 20…
Here we announce the results of the International Young Researchers Tournament (IYRT) 2024. We hope this will make your…
Here we announce the results of the Leibniz International Math Olympiad Challenge (LIMOC) 2024 . We hope this will make…
Congralutation for your achievement in qualifying for the Finalist of the Leibniz International Math Olympiad Challeng…
BACKGROUND Nowadays science, innovation in science is a very valuable foundation for the development of a country. The …
Congralutation for your achievement in qualifying for the Grand Finalist of the Asian Chemistry Olympiad (AChO) 2024. …
Congralutation for your achievement in qualifying for the Finalist of the Asian Chemistry Olympiad (AChO) 2024. Please…
Congralutation for your achievement in qualifying for the Finalist of the 4Th World Young Physicists Olympiad (WYPO) 2…